
Update your website to be Google and mobile compliant

with maximum search engine optimisation for organic reach


With all things, time gets the better of us and it’s important to update your website every 12 months so that you can stay up to date with the latest code and features. 

Google change their algorithms every 6-12 months, sometimes minor other times major updates which can impact dramatically on your websites rankings if you do not have a well structured and maintained website so that is why it is very important to update your website so you can stay with the times. 

Upgrading your website can also lead to improved Google rankings, more websites hits which lead to more sales and inquiries, if you do not do it, then your competitors will, thus leading to your clients being influenced by the competition with a better ranking and update website. 

At RubyPink Design we can hep build a new website or offer a website upgrade to your current site so that it may continue to grow and expand your business. 

Upgrade + Maintenance Options


Let us maintain your website with any updates you require.
Select from our range of options to suit your business needs from month-to-month.
Dedicated (approx.1-1.5 hrs) website service updates to ensure you keep your website content fresh and active (for Google enhancement).
Flexible with no lock-in contracts.

per month
  • Dedicated monthly security check/update
  • SEO website enhancement
  • Image-alt tag updates
  • Plugin updates + installs
  • Branded website images
  • Social Media cover / post design
  • Product Updates
  • Blog Writing


U  P  G  R  A  D  E

Upgrade and refresh your existing website design
  • Update website content
  • security, plugins
  • Image Refresh
  • alt text, image updates
  • Copyright content
  • content writing, linking
  • Social Media
  • Facebook or Instagram linking and website feed


U  P  G  R  A  D  E

Upgrade and refresh your existing e-commerce website
  • Update website content
  • security, plugins
  • Image Refresh
  • alt text, image updates
  • Copyright content
  • content writing, linking
  • Social Media
  • Facebook or Instagram linking and website feed
  • Product content enhancement
  • linking and information update

SEO & Mobile Ready

With all things time get’s the better of us and it’s important to update your website every 12 months so that you can stay up to date with the latest code and features.

Google change their algorithms every 6-12 months, sometimes minor other times major updates which can impact dramatically on your websites rankings if you do not have a well structured and maintained website, so that is why it is very important to update your website so you can stay with the times.

Upgrading your website can also lead to improved Google rankings, more websites hits which lead to more sales and inquiries, if you do not do it, then your competitors will, this leading to your clients being taken by your competition.

At RUBYPINK Design we can help build a new website or offer a website upgrade to your current site so that it may continue to grow and expand your business.


A fresh website and updated content equals a better search engine rank and more traffic. 

Fresh and unique website content is a very important factor in encouraging people to revisit your site more often. The redesign also lends itself to change keyword targeting and the overall conversion rate of your website. The way people search and how they search has changed dramatically over the last few years with the explosion of smartphone devices now prominently in use. 

Want to start working with the RubyPink Team?

Reach out to chat with us

t: 0400 186 249

e: info@rubypink.com.au

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